
Find information about each of our hunts here. 

(Ask about our multi species combination hunts)

Pheasant Hunt

There’s no better place to be during the South Dakota pheasant season than the Perry River Ranch. Our ranch provides endless privacy with no interference from other groups or from nearby traffic, thanks to our remote location.

Each of our pheasant hunts will cover many different areas and the hunts could be long. Expect to go through land across the river and in a different county as our land covers four different counties.


We will have a guide lead you to the plots or strips and hunt with you along with our guide’s dogs. Feel free to bring your trained hunting dogs along too as long as they work within the hunt. 

Goose Hunt

South Dakota goose hunting at the Perry River Ranch is always an adventure.

Turkey Hunt

Turkey hunting at the Perry River Ranch focuses on our abundant supply of Merriam turkeys.

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